Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Marriage Without Vision is Dead from the its very beginning

Every couple should pursue clear vision of how their family should exist.
A vision is a mental picture of what to do or the direction to go on in life. Therefore, it is pertinent to ask married readers at this juncture about what vision they had for their marriage before they entered into it.

The truth is that many couples didn’t have or develop anyone! Even where each partner had his or her vision as a bachelor or spinster, they didn’t, jointly develop a corporate one in marriage! Ideally, every couple should have contemplated the following visions:

• A definite spiritual path and strategy for growth in that direction. Without individually and corporately seeking the Lord, a couple will not understand the meaning of marriage. Neither will the parties therein accept to play their specific divinely assigned roles. Each party will operate from their selfish point of views. They will be self-centred, brutish in thoughts and actions. In other words, they will manage their relationship with their own and not God’s wisdom and it is bound to fail.

• What the woman clearly envisages her husband to become and how she could help him to achieve or attain it.

• Similarly, for the man, the role he wants his wife to play in his life, how to groom her to fulfil it and make her his soul-mate in the attainment of their common purpose, so that together they will be a blessing to their family and society or worthy service to their God.

• The kind and size of the family they would cherish to grow, the type and content of the upbringing for the children and the physical, spiritual, material and moral ambience in which to rear them.

• A definite blue-print of how to steer their offspring successfully through life until adulthood, to ensure they turn out as what would be pleasing to God.

• Common stands to enable the woman navigate successfully the inherent minefield of family relationships that are a constant quagmire for the unwary wife in order to integrate the typical extended African household.

• A disciplined financial and management relationship that would avoid friction or jealousy and attain the realization of set-goals and accomplishments.

• Definite positive contributions (beyond fending for the nuclear, extended, community, or even national) the family (or the products from it) want to make to the betterment of the human race that will serve as an everlasting legacy.

• A failure to brace up to all of the foregoing projections most often leads up to fractious family!

The next thing we ought to realise is that love fades.  We shall be dealing with this topic next.

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